Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Gettin' Back To It

I don’t know what happened to me last week, but my body hit a wall. Maybe it was being back at work full time. Maybe it was nervous jitters (first training in new position and it was for administrators…yikes). Whatever it was, I just couldn’t bring myself to do an evening workout. My body ached, and it was all I could do to make it through the day standing. The result? No workout from Tuesday to Saturday. The result of that? OUCH!

Kettlebells with Bob Harper on Sunday had me hurting on Monday morning, but I got up (late) and went for my first run in seven long days. I followed the three mile route and had to walk three times. Yes…three times (hanging head in shame), BUT (lots of emphasis on that BUT) my average time per mile improved. What? Yup…my pace was faster with three walking spurts. Yah…I run/jog/wog/whatever it is I do really sloooooooowly. Embarrassingly slowly. The good news? I’m still lapping everyone sitting on the couch!

The same is true for each of us, ladies. Yes, Insanity Crew, I’m talking to you. We may look a hot mess while we’re doing it. We may moan and groan and have to stop a million times before Shawn gives us a water break (or rewards us by taking his shirt off), but we show up. We sweat and we push and we work!

I’m so proud of each of us. Yes, I’m including myself in that statement. Do you realize that we are on our fifth week together? Five weeks and we’re still going strong! We made a commitment to ourselves and each other and have stuck with it. Kudos! And thank you for keeping me going. You don’t know how many times I have started these workouts, and with no one else to see me, I made it five minutes, ten minutes, or maybe only through the warm-up before I decided to call it quits. It happened a LOT. And now, thanks to you, I’ve stuck with it for five weeks (and doing more than just the warm ups).
OK, enough of the reflection. Let’s get to the nitty gritty:
Your homework assignment? Embrace the boob tube!
That’s right…watch a little television. Get caught up on all those shows you have DVR’ed. Find a marathon of reruns and plant yourself in front of the television. Turn it on at work if you can (you should probably still do your work though). Squeeze as much TV time into your day as you can. Sound too easy to be your assignment? That’s because it is.
You have work to do!

For every commercial that comes on, complete the associated task for the duration of the commercial.
Car Commercials – jog in place
Food/Restaurant Commercials – jumping jacks
Travel Commercials – pulse squats (hold a low squat position and barely pulse up and down)
Television Show Commercials – butt kicks (ugh!)
Movie Trailer – high knees
Health/Beauty Commercials – hold a plank (high or low)
Fitness Commercials – exercise of your choice
Miscellaneous Commercials (don’t fit a category) – push-ups

No fast forwarding or skipping the commercials!

It’s time to whip your inner couch potato into a HOT FRY!

Turn on that TV, ladies, and dig DEEP!