Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Prince, Rocky Balboa, and Willie Nelson

I had very personal moments inspired by each of these three men today. All for very different reasons. Yes, I know Rocky Balboa isn't a real man, but he still makes the list. As much as I love me some Sylvester Stallone, I would never sit through a Rambo marathon. Never. It is Rocky Balboa who mesmerizes me.

I'm a pretty big fan of all three: Prince (God rest his talented soul), Rocky Balboa (the ultimate comeback kid), and Willie Nelson (come can you not love Willie?). 

Today, I've had reflective moments where the words of each of these men stuck with me. And maybe even changed me. Because I think that's what reflection does. It changes us, one tiny piece at a time. 

On my way to work I was almost brought to tears listening to the first verse of Let's Go Crazy. Well, if I'm going to admit getting all emotional listening to a Prince song, at least it wasn't Pussy Control

Go ahead. Click on the link below and listen to the introduction. Alright, listen to the whole song. You know you want to. 

Do you get it? Do you see why listening to this artist talk his way into a song I've heard hundreds, if not thousands, of times got me all up in my feels? No? Me either. But it did. I was contemplating life and my purpose and my beliefs about the afterlife. Yes! Seriously! All because Prince said life means forever, "and that's a mighty long time." 
*Side note: If you let the YouTube video continue into the next, you'll get to enjoy Purple Rain as well (man, I love that song...and that movie). 

And then after work, tired from an extra long day, I turned to an old friend, my go-to when I need mindless television I love: Rocky Balboa. I love them all. I can easily make a Rocky marathon out of any Saturday or Sunday, but my favorite (no question) is Rocky Balboa, the sixth in the movie saga. 

I've seen this movie at least dozens of times (at least!). I can quote large portions of it, but tonight two lines hit me (both during a conversation with his son...during which I think the son is a putz). What wisdom did my favorite fighter impart?

"You think you oughtta stop trying things because you've had a few too many birthdays? I do not." 
"I stopped thinking like other people think a long time ago. You gotta think like you think." 

And thoughts.

Enter Willie...

Tonight, I begin chapter 19 of Willie's autobiography It's a Long Story, but when I reached over and picked the book up, my thumb slipped just inside the cover, causing the book to open to the introduction (which I read last week). Nothing on the page was highlighted (I'm a chronic highlighter), but for whatever reason my eyes were drawn immediately to this line: 

"My prayer is that the memories, whether joyful or painful, refresh my spirit, and yours, by assuring us that the stream never runs dry." 

Isn't that why we write? 

Life. Purpose. Big thoughts. 

I highlighted the sentence, by the way. And then I wrote the introduction to Let's Go Crazy on a Post-It and stuck it on that page. Some day, I'm going to flip through this book looking for highlights (because that's a thing I randomly do), and I'm going to wonder why that note is there. I bet it will inspire musings of life...purpose...big thoughts. Or not. You never know. 

Good night, Prince. Good night, Rocky. Good night, Willie. 

Tonight I drift off a better person because of you three. And for that, I thank you.  

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