We all know that writing is hard. In fact, I wrote an entire entry here about that fact once. It was hard. Hehe...see what I did there?
Today is one of those days. The words just don't want to be found. Hell, the topic doesn't even want to be found. But a friend and I promised to blog every week. And well...if she can do it, so can I.
So today...I borrow words. It was always one of my favorite classroom stations. "Found" poetry the smart people who came up with it call it. Over the years, I've had students borrow words in a number of ways from a number of sources for a number of different products. Today, I do the borrowing.
The poem below (and I'm using the term poem loosely here) consists entirely of the titles of books that can be found laying around my house at this very moment.
Bird by Bird
by Kristi Piper (and many other authors to whom I am grateful)
I is an other
Same kind of different as me
When women were birds
Uniquely human
Aging with grace
Passing it on
My own words
For one more day
Journey to the heart
Made to crave
A song flung up to Heaven
Pieces 2 peace
Facing your giants
Brain on fire
Gather together in my name
Crossing the threshold of hope
Deeply loved
A hundred and one days
Grace for the moment
It's a long story
A long way gone
Well, there you have it. A complete blog entry (five hours ahead of my deadline), and a beautifully crafted poem (packed with meaning and nuance) that any poetry professor worth his or her salt would give at least a solid D-.
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