Saturday, January 26, 2019

Where'd my mojo go?

It's January 26th, and I am writing a blog titled "Where'd my mojo go?"  I have no desire to write, to lift, to run, to go, to do anything productive much less inspiring. Hell, I don't even want to write this post, but I'm a week behind in my blog challenge. I am being bombarded via social media of all sorts with #newyearnewme and before-and-after photos and motivational memes out the wazoo, and I. Just. Sit.

I didn't even make it out of January. I would hang my head in shame, but since I am up to my eyeballs in "I don't give a fuck," I don't think shame is the right word. I think shame implies a certain level of give a fuck.'s what I've got. Here is my attempt at a mojo kickstart.

1. I told a friend my intended Crossfit schedule for next week. She plans to go to the same classes. And while she won't call me out if I don't go (she's too sweet for that), she'll know. And I'll know she'll know. I'm not positive I'll care, but it's worth a shot.

2. I meal prepped. Sadly, I know that prepping is never my problem. I enjoy meal prepping. It's the eating it that is the problem. Chick-fil-a just seems to sound better in the moment.

3. I wrote this blog post. Shitty as it may be, it's done. Check. Finito.

That's it. I've done three things. Eh.

Oh wait...

4. I put on workout clothes this morning. I'm going to count that.

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