Sunday, February 5, 2017

A Year of At Leasts

I love New Year's resolutions. For many years now, I have made three resolutions every year. Most years I'm successful with one. It's a stellar year if I knock two out of the park.

In 2015 I made a gift-giving resolution and had the most fun keeping a resolution I've ever had. I still love giving random gifts. In 2012 I quit smoking. I still smoke on Halloween, but I'm calling that one a success.

In 2015 I resolved to do an unassisted pull-up by the end of the year. In 2016 I resolved to do an unassisted pull-up by the end of the year. I still can't do an unassisted pull-up.

This year, instead of a resolution I issued myself a challenge. Google defines resolution as a firm decision to do or not do something. Quit smoking...firm. Challenge is defined as a call to take part in a contest or competition. I suppose this competition is with myself. To be a better me.

I have dubbed 2017 "The Year of At Leasts." The challenge is simple.

Every day do AT LEAST one of the following:

  1. Run at least one mile.
  2. Pray at least one rosary.
  3. Read at least one chapter.
  4. Write at least one something. 
I've already failed on the every day part (good thing it's a challenge and not a resolution). But despite the fact that the previous sentence contains the word failed, I've done more of all four activities than I think I would have otherwise. Success.

January's Losses:
  • I missed three days. I guess that's not horrible, but it would have been cool to have had a streak. Is just one month too much to ask?  Come on, Piper!
    • Challenge within the challenge: Unbroken February streak
  • I only wrote once. Just once. This one makes me sad.  

January's Wins: 
  • I doubled up and completed two "at leasts" in one day 12 times.
  • I completed three "at leasts" in one day once.  
    • Challenge within the challenge: Two trifectas in February
  • I ran 67.17 miles in January. I consider those 67 wins.
  • I finished three books in January. To some of my reader friends, that won't seem like many. Trust me; it is a win. I love to read. I am a self-proclaimed memoir junkie, but it is a very slow process for me (that involves lots of frustration and rereading). 

The wins out-number the losses 2 to 1. That officially puts January in the win column. Yes, that's the rule. 

So far, February's streak is going strong. And I already have one trifecta! 

Other fun challenges for 2017:
  • Barbara Wells and I have a blog challenge going. Write one entry every week (there's an implied at least). The first person to miss a week has to buy lunch.
  • Gina Strebeck, Caprice Meador, and I have teamed up to run 2,017 miles in 2017. 
  • I want to read/re-read Maya Angelou's memoirs in order. 
  • And of course... Do an unassisted pull-up, damn it!

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