Wednesday, January 2, 2013

New Year, New Outlook

It’s time for a shift in perspective.  I’m damn proud of what I’ve lost, but it’s time to focus on what I’ve gained!

I can…

1.       Untie my shoes, tie my shoes, untie my shoes… (Seriously, I could do this all day!)

2.       Wear clothes with no X’s on the tags.

3.       Sit comfortably in a stadium seat. (Go TEXANS!)

4.       Fasten an airplane seatbelt without an extension (and with belt to spare).

5.       Run! (I’m slow, but my friend Ginger says that no matter how slow I’m going I still get to call it running.)

6.       Go ahead…read number five again…I can RUN!!!

7.       Do the wave with both hands (no having to use one hand to make sure my shirt doesn’t accidentally rise up and show my midriff). Granted, I have no reason to do the wave, but that’s not the point. I could!

8.       Help Ryan with the yard work. I don’t want to, but I can.

9.       Play on the floor with Kaden or Stella or Piper or Addi…or whoever!

10.   Look forward to many more lists like this one.

And because it is a new year, it is time to think about resolutions. Yah, I know…I should have posted this yesterday, but I’ll work on my poor time management skills next year. I’ve never been good with new year’s resolutions, but here is a short list of goals I hope to meet…make that WILL MEET in 2013.

1.       Take trapeze lessons. *Get your arms ready, Judy Bolin. We’re doing this one together!

2.       Run at least one 5k race or mud run per month. *And take Gina and Ginger along for the fun.

3.       Do a pull-up (an all the way up, badass pull-up). *Just one…I’m not asking for much.

4.       Beat Ryan at ping pong! *The boy’s going DOWN!

5.       Walk across the stage of Hofheinz Pavilion as Dr. Piper. *And then slap Ryan every time he calls me Dr. Pepper.

Well, there you have it. It’s a short list, but it packs a big punch. I promise to keep you posted along the way.

This morning I read an interesting letter from the editor of Self Magazine. She suggested that instead of making an overwhelming 12 month plan or unrealistic resolution, you simply “make the healthiest, smartest, kindest, most optimistic choice you can in the next 10 minutes. Then do it again. Those minutes add up: to a day, a week, a month, and yes, even a year of creating the life (and the body) you want.”

Just think what an amazing year 2013 would be if we all kept that mindset year round!